“Trans” Is A Fraud—And It Always Has Been
Doctors Have Known For Years And They Pushed It Anyway
That is right, dear readers. You read the title correctly. “Trans” is a fraud, and it always has been. All of it.
There is no number of real trannies who are truly delusional and therefore should get surgery and hormones to be happy. There is no number of reasonable trannies who know they are actually men (how can they feel like women then?) and therefore are the good ones. There is simply no such thing.
Doctors have known this for years as well, but it did not stop them from pushing this agenda upon their industry and society in general.
An excellent place to begin is the extremely informative “Report of the APA Task Force on Gender Identity and Gender Variance” published by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2008. The goals of this project were to review treatment policies, make suggestions for education and training, and recommend collaboration with organizations.
Founded in 1892, the APA is a powerful professional organization with over 146,000 members and a budget of about $125 million. It frequently conducts research and publishes recommendations which are used by other professional bodies, including another APA—the American Psychiatric Association (APA II).
APA II, founded in 1844, has a membership of nearly 38,000 and a budget of about $50 million. It also has an illustrious list of corporate sponsors, including Pfizer, Allergan, AbbVie, and Acadia, as discussed by CEO Saul Levin in its 2019 Impact Report.
The most influential function of the APA II is the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which serves as the principal psychiatric authority and diagnostic manual for the medical industry in the United States. Trends in the United States have a global impact due to cultural and financial influence, even if foreign countries do not use the manual.
The APA II published the DSM-5 in 2013 and a revised version in 2022. The 2008 “Report of the APA Task Force on Gender Identity and Gender Variance” was therefore used by the APA II for the DSM-5.
As such, the DSM-5 reconfigured “gender identity disorder” to “gender dysphoria,” a cunning twist of language that seeks to reframe a “disorder” (disease) to “dysphoria” (state of unease). Everyone reading this should already know the “trans” agenda is a language-based assault on reality and logic, and this change was a significant one.
The APA task force and staff for the 2008 publication included the following members: Dr. Margaret S. Schneider, Dr. Walter O. Bockting, Dr. Randall D. Ehrbar, Dr. Anne A. Lawrence, Dr. Katherine Rachlin, Dr. Kenneth J. Zucker, and Dr. Clinton W. Anderson.
These doctors (PhDs and MDs) have over a century of collective experience in research and clinical treatment.
The first thing that stands out in this report is the first footnote on page one:
The task force was originally called the Task Force on Gender Identity, Gender Variance, and Intersex Conditions and changed its name to the Task Force on Gender Identity and Gender Variance to remove “Intersex Conditions,” consistent with the actual content of the report. The task force found the two populations to be too distinct from one another to address their unique issues and needs in a single report, and the task force members considered their expertise on intersex conditions to be too limited for them to handle the topic well. (Bold emphasis mine.)
Does this footnote not put to rest the idiotic comparisons of objectively identifiable development sexual disorders (“intersex conditions”) to delusional men who think they are women? These two things cannot be compared because they are not alike, and doctors admitted it in 2008. Yet and still, even today, “trans” defenders try this tactic because it changes the subject since “trans” is indefensible.
Within the 106-page document, there is a great deal of information which reveals the political goals of the APA, which in turn affect the APA II and the DSM-5, since the “trans” agenda is a nefarious project with destructive political and financial aims. Anyone interested can read it in its entirety.
The most striking example of the total intellectual bankruptcy of this movement is revealed when the report discusses on page 12 the language to be used:
Often we found it especially problematic to decide whether to use the term sex or gender. For example, is it more accurate to say that transsexuals receive cross-sex hormone therapy or cross-gender hormone therapy?
Problematic? We have been told that sex and gender are totally different, and everyone supposedly knows this. Were these doctors not aware of this? Are they not experts on this?
And what is the purpose of the term “transsexual” here? How is it different from “transgender”? Why do these terms even exist if no one, not even a task force of doctors, can explain them?
The report goes on to ask more questions:
Is it preferable to call dissatisfaction with one’s primary and secondary sex characteristics sex dysphoria (arguably more accurate) or gender dysphoria (the established term of art in the field)? Are pretransition adult female-to-male transsexuals more appropriately called biologic females (arguably more consistent with their identities) or women (arguably more consistent with usual APA style, and not redundant)?
These people are doctors, and this topic is what they do for a living. Why is a term of art in the field inaccurate then? Why are they unable to answer these questions? Oh, and what are women? Provide a definition.
This line from the report, however, puts the nail in the “trans” coffin when one considers exactly what is going on here:
It seems prudent to note at the outset, however, that we found it challenging, if not impossible, to write about the issues relevant to our charge using terminology that was simultaneously (a) internally consistent, (b) consistent with established ‘terms of art’ in the field of transgender care, (c) consistent with the typical usage of scholars in related fields, and (d) respectful of the diverse identities of transgender and gender-variant persons. (Bold emphasis mine again.)
Please read the previous paragraph once more, slowly, and pay attention to what a literal task force of doctors says here.
Challenging if not impossible?
Why is it impossible to be consistent here? If seven doctors whose life’s work focuses on being “respectful” towards a group they cannot apparently even define fail to use simple words consistently, what does this say about their field?
Did any of these doctors stop, think, and ask themselves tough questions once they realized that they could not even explain the difference between sex and gender?
How could a group of highly educated, intelligent people not even slightly doubt any of this? What if they knew it was a fraud since they could not even figure out how to use simple words?
What if one of the doctors just raised her hand and asked, “what if this whole thing is a fraud and that is why we cannot be consistent?”
The reason a task force of doctors could not use the words “sex” and “gender” properly is because the word “gender” has no application to humans. It is a linguistics term that applies to words only.
Consequently, there is no such thing as “gender identity,” “transgender,” “cisgender,” or “gender dysphoria.” None of it is real.
Humans, as a mammalian species, have two sexes—female and male. A male who “feels like” he is a female is suffering from a delusion due to a deeper mental problem, which is the actual issue to address. This is not “dysphoria” because delusion is not unease.
A 70-pound anorexic who “feels like” she is obese does not have “weight dysphoria.” She is suffering from mental illness, and nobody would give her liposuction to affirm her delusions. Likewise, males do not need hormones, surgery, or birth certificate changes to affirm their delusions, whatever fuels them.
So, even though the APA task force found it impossible to be consistent, they made their recommendations anyway. “Gender identity disorder” was changed to “gender dysphoria” in 2013, and we see the disastrous effects today, from male rapists with taxpayer-funded breast implants in women’s prisons to males decimating women’s sports.
Any other course of action, of course, would have cut into the APA, APA II’s, and general medical industry’s huge revenue possibilities in relation to the “trans” agenda. Jennifer Bilek’s invaluable work investigates the colossal profits to be made here, much of which go to the APA II’s corporate sponsor list from the 2019 Impact Report.
Maybe that is why none of the doctors wanted to point out the obvious. Careers can end over this.
As a result, simply put, “trans” is a fraud. No other conclusion can be reached once we understand the lies upon which this agenda is based. Frauds cannot exist forever. “Trans” will end, and the time for that is now.
1) I love your writing, it’s so exuberant.
2) I disliked transsexual from the moment I heard it as a child - it is almost painful mentally because it’s a class of words or ideas that have no truth value. There is no transit between sexes. Transanimate, a staple of science fiction, would be similar. You can’t transfer life between two entities. It makes it hard to manage cognitively.
3) the correct “medical” phrase would be “dolosexual” (sexual deceiver) or “antisexual/contrasexual” as in “against the grain”. A particular favorite is “larvasexual” or “person who masks their sex”. Another great one is “pseudosexual” or one who lies or falsifies sex.
4) I completely agree on gender. I’ve thought carefully about it structurally and boiled down some notes, I hope it might have value for your formidable rhetorical arsenal.
Society continually evolves mechanisms for men to induce women to submit to them sexually.
The gender system has gradually evolved into a way to deceive women into having sex with men.
It does to by intentionally using social tolerance to evade defenses.
It grooms people to accept as a fact the falsehood that a man can be female.
This grooming includes punishment with ostracism or violence for disagreement.
The system activates as a man imitating a female confronts a woman, demanding consent to the fiction.
Grooming and cognitive dissonance confuses and distracts her instinctive responses.
Either her protest or acceptance are responses which can bring him sexual pleasure.
She has responded to him sexually without full awareness or consent.
This conjecture may explain every single behavior you inventoried.
I don’t entirely agree that it is delusional, it’s simply a version of sexual predation similar to flashing.
The idea has metasticised so far that it needs a strong corrective to evolve soon.
It’s all BS and it’s insane that we need to even explain that, but you did it here so well.
“A 70-pound anorexic who “feels like” she is obese does not have “weight dysphoria.” She is suffering from mental illness, and nobody would give her liposuction to affirm her delusions. Likewise, males do not need hormones, surgery, or birth certificate changes to affirm their delusions, whatever fuels them.”