I would also like to see men in Congress stand up and say that Tim is welcome to use the men's bathrooms. If we have to accept these guys walking around in public life we need to start normalizing that they can use the men's room just like every other man and it's no big deal.

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No, we don't have to accept this walking around fetishistic mental illness.

No, this should not be normalized at any level.


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Except this doesn't really affect men, so they don't care. That is how it goes.

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Why are women being asked to provide a safe space for cross-dressing men who are afraid to go into the men's room? Why aren't their fellow males being asked to accept these faux "women" into the men's bathroom without inflicting harm upon them? Why do men get to threaten and engage in harassment and assault of trans identifying guys instead of being required to leave their fellow men in peace? A simple solution is to designate the bathrooms now labeled "Men" as "All" so that any man or woman can enter, and leave the women's bathrooms to biological women. Women do not exist to help men act out their fantasies.

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They're not afraid to use the men's room. This is about demanding that everyone accept that when a man decides to call himself a woman, he has female sex-based rights.

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The main way they can validate their delusions is by violating women's boundaries. It is about that at its core because nobody really cares about how they dress or if they grow out their hair. The primary way to "identify" as a woman is to force real women to stay silent as obvious men trample over reality.

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I suspect it's a variety of sexual exhibitionism, one which demands that everyone acquiesce to their performance.

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Dec 4Edited

Yup. It's about humiliating us and creeping us out.

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That is the claim they originally made and many still make -- that they are afraid of being physically assaulted by "cis gender" men.

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Do they ever see how ironic it is that they claim men are crazy and violent, and that's why they don't want to be around them? LOL

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You can't both say "This is not an issue, no one is affected, and bringing it up is a distraction!" AND claim that it's a cornerstone of the platform and everyone must comply. The people who are affected are noticing the dismissiveness.

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How come the people dedicating every TV show, every book, every movie, establishing law firms, entire academic departments, donating literally hundreds of millions of dollars to this aren't told it isn't important? Only when women say no does this turn into something to sweep under the rug.

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The Taliban have now told women not to speak in public, pretty much what the Democratic establishment is telling gender critical feminists.

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Gosh, however do the Taliban know who they can tell to shut up and stay inside?

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It's just so complicated!

Even dogs (who have more value and intelligence than the Taliban) can figure it out. And somehow, nobody can answer simple questions.

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I remember asking on FB almost ten years ago whether girls could identify out of child marriage. People got angry at me for asking but no one had an answer!

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That’s such a good question. I’m going to use that from now on.

The answer is no, obviously, because men opting into crossdressing is a first world perversion. You just made them face it.

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While it's admirable that Republicans are standing up for women's rights, let's not forget that 20 million Democrats refused to vote for Democrats in the 2024 presidential election. There are good reasons that that, and none of them have to do with liking Trump or thinking Republicans care about women's rights the way that we do.

I'm working with a group that has written a federal bill to help right the wrongs our Democratic Party has done. We intend to create a broad based coalition of Americans from both sides of the aisle to build consensus for a sensible reinstatement of women's rights. We intend to #ReverseTheReversalofTitleIX

We don't think it's useful if Trump swoops in to save the day with a presidential signing statement. That will be counterproductive because the Left is primed to fight everything he does. Attorney generals in 20-25 blue states will simply get injunctive relief from the federal courts and tie the issue up for years. High school and college women will suffer for years more, and our YMCAs will continue the encroachment of women's rights by allowing any man who wants to use the female showers to do so. We have a better plan. We intend to work with elected Republicans to pass a foundational civil rights bill and convince elected Democrats to sign on or face a rash of firings in two years. Our bill will establish once and for all that sex-based rights trump gender identity. A publicly supported federal law is much better than a Trump-as-savior signing statement because if Democrats take back the House in two years or regain the presidency in four years, they won't be able to reverse this law.

Message me via substack if you want to help.

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That may be true for an individual who has common sense and is still in touch with reality; hiowever, if a person is totally devoid of reason to the point that they can no longer define what a woman is, and can declare that a man can become a woman just by saying he is, in their mind, truth becomes a lie and a lie becomes truth in many aspects of life. Culture breaks down and the Reprobate mind soon rules that society

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Cool, I have awaited the wise lens of Kat magnify the issues re Timmy.

Yes, Trans always looking for a free ride on some other team coat tails. They do it w LGB and w reprod rights.

"There is no way to allow just a little bit of crazy." So true.

I doubt that Timmy wd resign. So many TRAs are setting this up as their hill to die on. They will martyr him.

The ppl of Del voted him in. Maybe it's up to them to ditch him.

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Maybe he was INSTALLED

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He received a lot of support and attention from the Biden Family and the DNC. It wasn't accidental, that's for sure.

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Of course, we cannot rule that out.

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I hope you enjoyed the post!

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I just had an extended argument with someone I know about trans, on another stack. One of the things I noticed was that he came out several times in defense of all those who enable the cutting off of girls' breasts. (They mean well!) Never once did he come out to defend the kids whose breasts are being cut. As though they were invisible.

And he thinks his is the morally high ground. It boggles the mind.

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The doctors who did lobotomies meant well. That means nothing. Lots of stupid people who mess everything up mean well. I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer meant well.

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I watched this video yesterday, and Thai Rivera brings up his HRC gig, and they are very interesting points. He’s said eventually he’ll do a video on all the HRC, GLADD and other orga that he knows som dirt on.


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*Tim McBrides HRC gig

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I always thought that the phrase "first openly transgender" was used by TRA to imply that "trans people have always existed" and that "many of them passed so well that nobody noticed them".

That said, they do seem to adore trying to force team with the LGB...

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🎯 Yup… instead of 1 of thousands of mediocre white men elected to Congress over 200+ years, McBride is “the first 🏳️‍⚧️!’ OMG, so stunning and brave!

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Such bullshit.

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What most people don’t grasp is what Judith Butler legitimately calls “performative gender”. We should accept it at face value that this person is literally in the midst of performing being a female. While people detest Butler for claiming all “gender” is performative, let’s take her at her words, in this instance.

The performance requires what is called a “mark” by con-artists, gullible naive and vulnerable people to go along with the scheme. What the marks don’t fully grasp is that the performance is a sexual performance - most people don’t get sexual satisfaction by such imitation, and cant’t quite conceive of it.

The subordination of women to the performance, making them comply with having a male present while pissing and having women present while the male is pissing is part of the elaborate charade, and sexual satisfaction.

What’s ultimately quite unpleasant is also grasping that the female push-back is also a desired part of the charade. Victims of sexual exhibitionism must protest the exhibitionist, the shock and fear is part of the mildly sadistic intent.

Female protest is part of the kick, and derives from the declaration of intent as a male dressed as female to invade their spaces.

What short-circuits this sexual charade is men and women together, or police, coming to the fore and stating the obvious that these spaces are reserved by adult consensus and law for single-sex use; that this person is not female; therefore they are trespassing.

It takes female-only protest out of the equation and the sexual charade, the con-game, and identifies the delusional exhibitionistic behavior for what it is, a violation of law and order, and unwanted sexual attention.

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So get this: I asked Brave's AI about Hannah Berg-Brouseau. Told me there was no record of this person, but described Henry. When I asked if Henry was born as Hannah, it claimed there was no such information available. Then I called it a bullshitter. It apologized and corrected itself; that indeed Henry was born as Hannah. You can't make this shit up!

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I just wrote an article about her. Sad story, and it didn't have to happen.

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Damn. You're a bitch.

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Every word of this (except maybe "get a haircut"—nothing wrong with #boys wearing their hair long). Thank You for the excellent summary.

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Yes, except if males seriously struggle with these type of impulses, the hair is just too tempting because it's like giving a mouse a cookie.

There is nothing wrong with donuts being sold, but if someone is a binge eater and donuts are a trigger food, the best advice to give them is to avoid donuts. I view it similarly.

Males have traditionally and historically worn long hair, wigs, etc., and nobody really minded. It appears the only thing Tim really did was grow out his hair. If that is taken away, this nonsense can end much more quickly.

That's how I look at it. But you are right, men should be able to have long hair, they always have. Just in today's clown world, there's an issue.

Thanks for reading!

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I see where You're coming from, but I'm definitely the wrong audience for it.

I've buzzed my own hair with a no.3 clipper blade (so, roughly the length of Natalie Portman's in V for Vendetta... give or take a quarter inch / 1-2mm) since I was in fifth grade.

Also it's alws worth keeping in mind that "longer hair = feminine/female, feminine/female hair = longer" isn't a universal cultural standard at all—it's rlly just an upper-middle-class (= "middle-class" in the British usage), White, youthful, beauty standard, although one that's constantly on blast in media as though it were a human universal. There are plenty of ppl in my immediate neighborhood with hair that defies this binary (especially short-haired Black Women and longer-haired Pacific Islander men), and literally nobody would ever think to side-eye them or ask for pronouns; our area certainly has its social problems, but that's one balance I believe we've struck right on the sweet spot around here.

More generally, I'm just kinda salty that I wasn't born early enough to experience the glam rock period😅 I like the occasional bit of feminine style/accessorizing as a crowning touch on a #boy who's secure in his embodied self and isn't conflicted about "identity".

But enough about myself—I think the worst thing about "get a haircut" is that You're inadvertently VALIDATING everything that these tr00ns claim to believe, about how a man with long hair isn't actually a man just the same.

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Wait, so is Tim really gay? What was his marriage to the TIF all about?

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Tbh I think he's just desperate for attention and attracted to power. His brother came out as gay, like I said, but from everything I read he never really did. If you find anything that says he did, please show me.

He was with Andy Cray for a while, and they married right before she died at 28 (Tim was 24). She was the granddaughter of Seymour Cray, the founder of supercomputing and Cray Research, so the family is very rich and powerful. They worked at the Center for American Progress together--who got whom the job there? It's not clear.

I had some more information on that in the article but I cut it out because it was getting too long and I wanted to focus on the Congress and bathrooms issue.


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Thank you Kat for not buckling, succumbing and referring to Andy Cray as he/him. Playing "pretend" should not be given equal status with reality

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Nov 26
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What do you mean "lived as opposite sex"?

How does a man "live as" a woman?

Define both, and then explain.

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Lets have some genuine back up for these claims of yours: do you have any beyond your chosen ideology?

Your comment and your belief fly in the face of REALITY as determined by God the Creator and Sustainer. MAN and WOMAN.

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Nov 27
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Sex is female and male. That is binary and immutable.

"Gender" means nothing. You couldn't define it if you tried.

And if that's true, then Rachel Dolezal is black. Good job, idiot.

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Nov 27
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Sex is male and female.

Sexuality exists because sex exists--homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual.

That's not a "spectrum." And that's not what "trans" is and that's not what "gender" is.

Can any of you argue?

If you keep acting stupid, I'm going to block you. I can't take dumb people anymore.

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You are passing the buck, likely because you cannot defend the indefensible and you know it.

I am very familiar with the chosen ideology underlying the LGBTQPIA CULT talking points and I dont need to "educate myself" on them. Nor am I interested in having you regurgitate and recite them for me.

How about you dig down deep and come up with some objective, fact based EVIDENCE that exists to back up the claims you made in your post? I am not interested in any links to LGBTQPIA propaganda sites so spare me that.

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Nov 27
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Mock and scoff when you have nothing constructive to say? I've got your number! Nothing further needs to be said.

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Nov 27
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