It won’t die.
It just keeps coming back.
One of these is an insane man who acts crazily due to his mental illness. The other is fictional character Michael Myers.
Readers, you may have all heard an oft-repeated refrain when anyone irrefutably points out that a mentally ill male with stringy hair is not a woman.
Ready for it?
“But-but-but…what about intersex disorders?!?” [insert smug, low-IQ simper here]
What about a totally unrelated issue that has nothing to do with the “trans” lie?
Let’s discuss!
This nonsense, I believed, had already been addressed and snuffed out long ago.
It seems to keep coming back from the dead, however, because it is a cheap, convenient tactic.
Since “trans” is impossible to defend, it is easiest to simply change the subject. This is what low-rent lawyers do in cases they cannot win based on facts.
It still won’t work. Here are five reasons why.
1. Sex is binary and immutable. There is no spectrum.
Much of this deflection is based upon lies about human biology. Several scientists have already definitively addressed this.
Stanford biologist Dr. Georgi Marinov provides the most comprehensive explanation of why developmental sexual disorders (aka “intersex”) do not legitimize any arguments against the sex binary.
From his excellent article:
All “intersex” conditions, when examined, clearly arise from single-gene mutations or chromosomal aberrations on a genetic background that would have indisputably been producing male or female gametes had these mutations not occurred, and, rarely, due to chimerism (i.e. individuals made up of both male and female cells).
True hermaphrodites possessing both sets of functional gonads and genitalia have never been observed in Homo sapiens.
Therefore the “intersex” argument against the sex binary is simply not valid.
Other biologists, including Colin Wright and Richard Dawkins, have also clearly addressed this deflection.
If someone were to ask “how many chromosomes do human beings have?” there would be no confusion regarding the response.
The answer is 46.
What if someone responded “What about Down Syndrome?! They have 47 chromosomes! Are you saying they aren’t human?!”
Nobody would take this seriously.
Humans born with Down Syndrome would have had 46 chromosomes but for a disorder that altered their development. That does not destroy the reality that humans have 46 chromosomes.
The same applies to developmental sexual disorders.
Nothing more is to be said about this fact.
2. Men who “feel like” they are women do not have genetic disorders.
It should be enough to simply state that sex is binary and immutable when somebody tries to deflect to developmental sexual disorders.
Basic reality should be sufficient because people who claim to be “trans” are all pretending to be something they are not. The whole thing is a fraud.
However, it appears this is insufficient because “trans” defenders do not understand that the two issues are simply unrelated, or they are pretending due to cowardice.
The “trans” lie has nothing to do with genetic disorders.
People who claim to be born in the wrong body have normal chromosomes. If they do not, then “trans” is not in question.
Bruce Jenner is a physically healthy male.
Robert Ryan “Blaire” White is a physically healthy male.
Men who declare themselves to be women have a mental disorder which cannot be treated with estrogen, nose jobs, or lip filler.
They generally fall into two groups: heterosexual autogynephilic males (like Mr. Jenner) and failed homosexual males (like Mr. White).
They have no need for hormones, surgery, birth certificate/driver’s license/passport changes. The underlying cause for their delusions must be addressed, which is the real problem here.
In 2008, the American Psychological Association’s “gender task force” admitted in its own report for the 2013 DSM that developmental sexual disorders have nothing to do with the “trans” agenda:
The task force found the two populations to be too distinct from one another to address their unique issues and needs in a single report, and the task force members considered their expertise on intersex conditions to be too limited for them to handle the topic well.
Therefore, telling these men NO when they claim to be in the wrong body is enough.
Anorexics, schizophrenics, and apotemnophiliacs do not have their delusions “affirmed.”
Neither should these men. Adults cannot do whatever they want.
3. Even developmental sexual disorders are divided according to the binary.
For purposes of classification, even developmental sexual disorders fall within the binary.
This is how they should be categorized for all purposes.
4. Disorders have never been an issue. Men have always known who women are when it comes to exclusion and oppression.
Historically as well as currently, developmental sexual disorders have never caused any problems for men who want to identify women for political, legal, social, medical, educational, or any purposes.
The French Revolution is a demonstrative example though many others could apply.
Readers, select whatever historical event you would like and try this exercise on your own.
On June 20, 1789, the male members of the Third Estate met on a tennis court in Versailles, and 576 males signed the “Tennis Court Oath.”
Did developmental sexual disorders prevent them from identifying women in order to deny them political power?
And yet, when it came to equal treatment under the death penalty, these same men had no problem sending thousands of women to the guillotine.
If women did not have equal rights, why should they be given the death penalty like men?
Why couldn’t men exclude women from the death penalty as well?
Ponder that.
A woman named Olympe de Gouges noticed the male hypocrisy and called them out.
Guess how she ended up. Aww, remember the good ol’ days of chivalry, aww…
Globally today, from China to Afghanistan, men have no problem identifying women.
Developmental sexual disorders cause no real issues.
In China, the one-child policy led to thousands if not millions of female fetuses being aborted (they were never “assigned” anything at birth as they were never born) and female children being adopted out.
Now, the women in China who survived the purge are not interested in popping kids out with men who hate them in a society that hates them.
How do the men know who to hector into reproducing?
In Afghanistan, inbred terrorist trash like the Taliban know exactly who to keep out of school, ban speaking in public, and marry off at 9-years-old.
How do the men know who to target?
Even dogs who have been abused by men know to avoid them, and many shelters state a sex preference in ads due to past trauma.
How do the dogs know who to avoid?
Developmental sexual disorders do not cause confusion in China, Afghanistan, animal shelters, or anywhere else.
Because they are not a real issue.
Can we please stop pretending like this is complicated?
Can we please stop pretending like this mindless deflection has any validity?
5. Men Who Pass Do Not Validate “Trans.”
Lastly, it appears what “trans” defenders are clumsily arguing is if a male “passes” as a female then he should be allowed to live a fraud with the support of government, medical industry, public policy, and general society.
Typically, they are not just not smart or brave enough to state this honestly.
Does Dylan Mulvaney pass? If not, why is he venerated in the media for his “girlhood”?
Does Josh Seiter pass? If not, how was his trolling any different from Dylan Mulvaney’s idiocy?
The truth is that very, very few of these men truly pass (including appearance, voice, hands, feet, irrational male ego), and everybody knows this.
Even if they do, fool’s gold is not gold even if everyone thinks it is. If a jeweler tried to sell pyrite as aurum he would be charged with fraud.
And who would make the official ruling on passing? A passing certification board?
This is nonsense because “trans” does not simply involve private individuals just living their lives.
Even slightly tolerating this mental illness means nothing can be stopped.
It is flinging a floodgate wide-open then believing the flood can be let out only a few inches.
That is impossible. The flood will run its course to its inexorable end.
There will be male criminals in women’s prisons. Sexual contact between females and males may result in pregnancies, no matter how any party “identifies.” This is one of the reasons prisons are sex-segregated in the first place.
A criminal like Demi Minor does not pass. Why was he sent to a women’s prison in the first place then?
There will be males in women’s sports, which has lead to female athletes losing nearly 900 medals to male athletes.
Gavin “Laurel” Hubbard does not pass. Why was he allowed to enter women’s weightlifting competitions?
Callum “Hannah” Mouncey does not pass. Why was he allowed onto women’s sports teams?
In addition to that, women will be forced to forfeit or punished for protesting these lies.
There will be males in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, and women who oppose this will be banned for speaking out.
There will be students who demand to be called opposite sex pronouns and teachers who refuse will get fired, followed by expensive lawsuits.
Did those students pass? Does it matter?
There will be males with criminal histories and convictions for pedophilia who use new birth certificates and fraudulent identity documents to hide their true pasts.
A major goal of the modern “trans” agenda is normalization and legalization of pedophilia. This has always been true since the demonic work of John Money.
Do these men pass? Does it matter?
The problems are never-ending.
It simply cannot be done. Societies cannot function on such lies.
“Trans” defenders who think “but what about iNtErSeX?!” constitutes a valid argument either do not know what is happening or they are not bothered by male rapists in women’s prisons.
They are ignorant or malevolent or maybe sometimes both.
Either way, their deflections do not and never will legitimize men who want to pass as women due to mental illness.
In what other arena should we consider passing as acceptable?
Former NAACP chapter leader Rachel Dolezal passed as black for years.
Did anybody deflect to albinos as a way to legitimize her nonsense?
“But what about a rare genetic defect? Why can’t a white person pretend to be black then? She passes!”
Should she be counted as black in the census? Should she claim reparations for slavery? Should she apply to Amazon’s Black Business Accelerator? Should her driver’s license be altered to state her race is black?
Of course not.
Because issues like sex and race are not private issues or decisions when government, laws, public policy, health care, legal documents, education, and money are involved.
Claiming Rachel Dolezal is black is stupid…but not as stupid as forcing men into women’s prisons and sports.
This impacts everyone because such lies can only persist if all of society is turned upside-down to accommodate them.
It is just not feasible.
For humans there are two sexes, no genders, and countless personalities, stereotypes, hobbies, clothing options, hairstyles, makeup products, social norms, on and on.
A woman is an adult human female.
A post-menopausal woman who does not have menstrual cycles anymore, a woman with fertility issues due to endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, or a woman who has had a hysterectomy are still women because all are still female.
They are still of the type that produces the large gamete since their current condition can be diagnosed for whatever reason.
What kind of idiot would argue that somebody’s 80-year-old grandma was not a woman anymore because she does not have the ability to produce eggs after menopause? She passed through the normal female life cycle. She still has a female body.
A man is an adult human male, even if he has his testicles removed due to cancer or injuries, has low or zero testosterone, or does not produce viable sperm due to infertility or age issues.
He is still of the type that produces the small gamete. He still has a male body.
It appears that we, as a society, have two options.
First, we can allow anyone to claim she or he is in the wrong body because there are no criteria to determine “true trans” as it does not exist. Chaos will continue to ensue.
Anyone who “feels like” another race, schizophrenics who “feel like” Napoleon, and anorexics who “feel” fat should be affirmed as well. What justification can be used to stop it?
Or, we can tell people NO when they claim to be born in the wrong body, even if they have the infinitesimally slim possibility to pass, because women’s safety and reality are more important. That includes both children and adults.
A complete rejection is the only viable solution to the mess that has been created by this agenda.
Nothing else will work.
And when this fraud collapses under its own weight, even more spectacularly than the tobacco, lobotomy, or opioid scandals, nobody will admit to defending it in the first place.
There is a simple way to refute this post and TERFs like me generally.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is a man? Provide a definition.
2. What is a woman? Provide a definition.
3. How can a man “transition to” a woman? Where is your proof?
Go ahead and do so in the comments.
I am in awe of your ability to slap these people down in a nano second with the facts. I only wish my emotions stayed in check to do the same. Thank you Kat Highsmith. You just might be my new hero♡
Great piece, thank you.
Do you think terms such as "developmental sexual disorders" has not helped clear thinking about this, whereas "birth defects" (of the reproductive system, in this case) would? Quite possibly the latter is not preferred anymore for sensitivity purposes, but sensitive euphemisms is one of the verbal stratagems being used against our sexed reality now.
("Intersex" is deliberately obfuscatory, of course.)