I am in awe of your ability to slap these people down in a nano second with the facts. I only wish my emotions stayed in check to do the same. Thank you Kat Highsmith. You just might be my new hero♡
Do you think terms such as "developmental sexual disorders" has not helped clear thinking about this, whereas "birth defects" (of the reproductive system, in this case) would? Quite possibly the latter is not preferred anymore for sensitivity purposes, but sensitive euphemisms is one of the verbal stratagems being used against our sexed reality now.
("Intersex" is deliberately obfuscatory, of course.)
Yes, DSDs are the right term because they are disorders. They would have been female or male BUT FOR a disorder. It's not "intersex" as in it's not mixing sexes. As Dr. Marinov states, a human who produces both sperm and eggs has NEVER been observed.
Someone with Down Syndrome would have had 46 chromosomes but for the disorder.
I wish I could expound to people the way you have in that piece. I’m a reasonably intelligent old bloke who despairs at the carnage caused but the whole gender woo woo. How DID it happen? How come it snuck up and devoured some of our finest writers, thinkers and humourists?
I think and hope we may be over the hill and that reality is slowly making a welcome comeback. I’m not personally affected by any of it but I feel the pain of those that do.
I wholeheartedly applaud all of you who are at the frontline and fighting this madness. I will support you, all the way.
Amazing. Why can’t I think of all those rational reality based comebacks to the stupidity and dangers of the trans activist ridiculousness? You do such a good job. Thank you.
Intersex is a MEDICAL condition, like the mental illness of trannys. It is NOT a personality trait and we don’t call them intersexers any more than we call people with cancer ‘cancerers’ or ‘broken-leggers’ for the ones with broken legs. With you all the way. Poor co-opted bastards.
More spin and bullshit to try legitimise the men’s sexual rights movement of tranny predators. Fuck off, troon!
I can’t believe our TAXES are paying for plastic surgeries and lace undies that enable men to abuse women in prison. WTF!!?
".... The whole thing is a fraud.
Men who declare themselves to be women have a mental disorder which cannot be treated with estrogen, nose jobs, or lip filler. "
Exactly. That they have gained so much support for this fraud across govt, education, sports arenas sez mental illness + misogyny are totally out of control.
They'll just trot out anything and twist it for their Trans Agenda ends. I'm sure Intersex ppl don't want to be part of the "+ sign" after TQ.
"They generally fall into two groups: heterosexual autogynephilic males (like Mr. Jenner) and failed homosexual males (like Mr. White)." I think that's about right but I'm sure many will not appreciate it! I shed no tears.
Love the “ intersex “ Idiots title! Who ever heard of Intersex constantly batted about before this? And co-opting language is another ploy they use. Anything to support their lies. “ Born in the wrong body” is idiotic , as is “ assigned at birth”, “transphobia “ and “ misgendered “, etc. All these are made up terms “ signifying nothing, “to quote Shakespeare .
You nailed it. The trotting out of the tiny minority of people with Intersex abnormalities is another example of the lies that the trans cult indulges in.
They need to be stopped before our whole society collapses under the weight of this nonsense!
Their lies need to be confronted and condemned.
Trump is starting the process, though the trans cult is not giving in without hysterics .
You might be unto something here. If she leans super hard into her misandrist feminist character, it could make some amazing family-friendly fun comedy
I am in awe of your ability to slap these people down in a nano second with the facts. I only wish my emotions stayed in check to do the same. Thank you Kat Highsmith. You just might be my new hero♡
Thank you for reading!
Great piece, thank you.
Do you think terms such as "developmental sexual disorders" has not helped clear thinking about this, whereas "birth defects" (of the reproductive system, in this case) would? Quite possibly the latter is not preferred anymore for sensitivity purposes, but sensitive euphemisms is one of the verbal stratagems being used against our sexed reality now.
("Intersex" is deliberately obfuscatory, of course.)
Yes, DSDs are the right term because they are disorders. They would have been female or male BUT FOR a disorder. It's not "intersex" as in it's not mixing sexes. As Dr. Marinov states, a human who produces both sperm and eggs has NEVER been observed.
Someone with Down Syndrome would have had 46 chromosomes but for the disorder.
DSD is the correct term.
" irrational male ego" Hahaha
Delightful article chock full of gems.
I wish I could expound to people the way you have in that piece. I’m a reasonably intelligent old bloke who despairs at the carnage caused but the whole gender woo woo. How DID it happen? How come it snuck up and devoured some of our finest writers, thinkers and humourists?
I think and hope we may be over the hill and that reality is slowly making a welcome comeback. I’m not personally affected by any of it but I feel the pain of those that do.
I wholeheartedly applaud all of you who are at the frontline and fighting this madness. I will support you, all the way.
Beautifully clear for anyone to read, and I can’t believe you can be disputed.
Amazing. Why can’t I think of all those rational reality based comebacks to the stupidity and dangers of the trans activist ridiculousness? You do such a good job. Thank you.
Thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it!
I think it’s grand! Thank you!
Intersex is a MEDICAL condition, like the mental illness of trannys. It is NOT a personality trait and we don’t call them intersexers any more than we call people with cancer ‘cancerers’ or ‘broken-leggers’ for the ones with broken legs. With you all the way. Poor co-opted bastards.
More spin and bullshit to try legitimise the men’s sexual rights movement of tranny predators. Fuck off, troon!
Thanks for that great post, Kat.
I can’t believe our TAXES are paying for plastic surgeries and lace undies that enable men to abuse women in prison. WTF!!?
".... The whole thing is a fraud.
Men who declare themselves to be women have a mental disorder which cannot be treated with estrogen, nose jobs, or lip filler. "
Exactly. That they have gained so much support for this fraud across govt, education, sports arenas sez mental illness + misogyny are totally out of control.
They'll just trot out anything and twist it for their Trans Agenda ends. I'm sure Intersex ppl don't want to be part of the "+ sign" after TQ.
"They generally fall into two groups: heterosexual autogynephilic males (like Mr. Jenner) and failed homosexual males (like Mr. White)." I think that's about right but I'm sure many will not appreciate it! I shed no tears.
Love the “ intersex “ Idiots title! Who ever heard of Intersex constantly batted about before this? And co-opting language is another ploy they use. Anything to support their lies. “ Born in the wrong body” is idiotic , as is “ assigned at birth”, “transphobia “ and “ misgendered “, etc. All these are made up terms “ signifying nothing, “to quote Shakespeare .
You nailed it. The trotting out of the tiny minority of people with Intersex abnormalities is another example of the lies that the trans cult indulges in.
They need to be stopped before our whole society collapses under the weight of this nonsense!
Their lies need to be confronted and condemned.
Trump is starting the process, though the trans cult is not giving in without hysterics .
I hope you enjoyed reading it!
God I hope I'm around to witness the demise of this utter utter garbage.
There will be A LOT of people with much to answer for.
Do we think it will happen in the next 5 years? 10??
It can’t be too soon. I’m not a Trump
Fan, but if he can make a dent in this , it’s good!
You should do standup commedy
LOL no, I'm a writer.
You might be unto something here. If she leans super hard into her misandrist feminist character, it could make some amazing family-friendly fun comedy
It's not a character.
Then aspect of your personality, if you prefer. Anyway, if you ever try stand up comedy, PM me a video I would like to see it. Not joking
You should consider it. it might make TERFs more mainstream and make the stupid arguments you talked in your article ridiculed.
Love this piece and agree with every word. I’d love to see some pro-trans responses to it. Are there any?!
All they have to do is answer the questions I asked at the end.
Why do you think they can't?
It’s not that they can’t.. it’s that they won’t! They’re so tied to their lies that they refuse to face up to reality.
They’re just the worst and most authoritarian ideologues ever!
I cited every single thing I expanded upon in the article. That is actual science.
If you want to disprove anything, all you have to do is answer the 3 questions I asked.
Why can't you?
Got that, Kevin?
You care about science now? That's why male rapists are in women's prisons? Because of science?
Why can't troon defenders ever argue logically or rationally? It's always this type of response. And you wonder why you keep losing.