Your words absolutely echo my feelings about ‘trans’ nonsense. The sly way that they stopped using ‘transsexual’ and started using ‘transgender’ was so clearly a tell that they know sex is not ‘trans-able’… and then they dropped the ‘gender’ prefix because it’s meaningless. So now we’re supposed to accept the truncated little word ‘trans’. To which the only reply can be: ‘trans’ wha, exactlyt? Transatlantic? Transit? Transparent? Transport? Transubstantiation?
These gross men have proved to be great actors when it comes to presenting themselves as victims.
We need to keep working to reveal the creepy fetish at the heart of this attempt at mass delusion..
It's all a word game. Stop using the words, and they've lost. They know that, which is why they try to force it and constantly change the terms to keep everyone off balance and scared to make a supposed mistake.
The next thing they're going to try is "gender incongruence" as opposed to "gender dysphoria." It's all a load of nonsense.
I like to use transsexual in conversations with "allies" this way: do you really think there are transsexual children? Transsexual three, five, twelve year olds?
It's fun to watch the look in their eyes when I say this.
Highly recommend this science-backed documentary, Gender Revolution, that talks about the complexities of it all and how it goes back to birth. Including intersex babies who are born “somewhere between a boy and a girl” and parents have to choose a gender for their baby and perform surgery on an infant. Or, let the child grow up and make the decision for themselves, just to give one example covered in this doc. It’s so much more less black and white than you make it out to be here — inviting you into the gray middle space with this link,
Sex is binary and immutable. There is female and male.
There is nothing you can do about that. Nobody can decide sex, and that is black and white. Nobody has "gender."
Developmental sexual disorders do not affect that binary.
I cannot stand this extremely dishonest deflection technique. It's been tried already, it's failed already, and people like you keep trying it.
I want you to read carefully because I've had it with people like you.
The "trans" lie is not about developmental sexual disorders.
Andrew Steele does not have a developmental sexual disorder. He is a physically healthy male who produces sperm (small gamete) and fathered two daughters.
His problems are mental. He cross dresses because he is a heterosexual autogynephile.
He's not a woman (adult human female) and he's not "trans" because that does not exist, and he does not have a "gender identity" because nobody does.
This has failed already.
I'm sick of correcting idiots like you because you act like this is complicated.
There is no decision to make, "gender" is a linguistics term which is why nobody can define it for humans, so you have nothing to say here.
Doctors themselves admitted it in 2008.
STOP LYING. It won't work, and your idiotic documentary means nothing.
Your reactions are reminisent of a toddler putting their fingers in their ears screaming LALALA because they don't like what the adults are saying.
So knee jerk. So immature. Not based in lived experiences or backed by multiple vetted sources. You are just whining and spewing bigotry. It's unoriginal but unfortunately it is also dangerous.
You do realize rhetoric like this increases physical violence? Shame on you. I pray you do better.
Life is teeming with gray areas. That is what being alive is. There is an entire universe of stars and novas and clouds and ferns and lillies and foxes and humans and mushrooms and youre entire "thing" - like your entire personality - is "Being a TERF"..... how utterly icky and sad and embarrassing.
There is no gray area when some old pig grows out his hair and calls himself a woman.
He isn't. Telling him NO is the truth, not bigotry.
And don't start trying to say these men are at risk of physical violence.
Women are attacked in the street for opposing this. That's the real physical violence. You want to talk about shame? You're telling lies to excuse male rapists in women's prisons, child mutilation, and women being attacked by men for saying they don't belong in women's bathrooms.
You have no moral high ground. You increase violence against women.
What are you talking about mushrooms for? Are any tranny defenders even remotely intelligent or logical?
Go pray for yourself. You're defending liars and pedophiles.
Yeah, adults. Adult men who want to be in girls' bathrooms and think 5 year olds have a "gender identity."
Well, yes, I have anger at people who tell lies to excuse child abuse, child mutilation, normalization of pedophilia, and putting male rapists in women's prisons.
That's what you are doing. I have every right to be angry about the violation of women's rights, and then the fake morality you people display as you act like you're doing the right thing.
It's disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Don't pray for me, idiot. Pray for yourself. You tell lies to excuse male perverts in women's bathrooms. You're the one who needs a therapist.
You want to talk about peace and joy?
You think women feel peace and joy when a male rapist is locked up with them?
Lmao shush with your crusty terf a**.... i love women, including trans women! I also love trans men! I love kind people- you should try it! And try being kind yourself! 🫶🏼✌️
But Kat can't hear you, sorry. They've been offered SO MUCH evidence by so many of the stackers they attack daily. But they refuse to consider any of it.
They're only here to bully trans people and those who love them. Every damn day. Kind of a weird obsession, IMO. And very hurtful.
I wonder what is at the root of this obsession for them....
3. How can a man "transition to" a woman? Where is your proof?
4. Define "gender" consistently.
That's all you have to do. If you can't do that, that means "trans" does not exist.
And it doesn't. "Trans" is a lie.
This is a response to men in women's prisons, on women's sports teams, children being mutilated, women being fired and attacked, the constant media propaganda--why don't you ask those people why they do this? Why are they obsessed with pushing this lie?
Kind of a weird obsession to want to put men in women's prisons and want to mutilate children, I wonder why these people want that.
There are no "trans" people. There is no special category for those who refuse the reality of their sexed body.
Bravo Kat Highsmith. I LOVED every word. This trans debacle hit my home in 2021. Thank you Universe for the strength and sacrifice to help my very confused teenage daughter find her way. This is my voter issue. Never before voted Republican. This go round I will.
Will Ferrell, you were always my funny go to. No more. You are booted along with Drew Barrymore, Tom Hanks, Target, many of my friends and some of my family. All resepect lost for the sheeple who cannot support women and girls, the ones who pretend to go along but snicker behind the backs of these wannabe douche bags, the ones who meet for brunch @ the Sunday drag show because it's sooooo cool, the ones who support this delusion that is destroying young lives in the most heinous way. My God what has happened to our country that we no longer care about women and the children WE carried to birth???
I'm glad your daughter found her way out of this, and I hope she did not suffer any permanent damage. This agenda preys on vulnerable children, and unfortunately many do not get away from it. Thank goodness your child did, and thank you for reading and commenting.
Thanks Kat♡. First for your courage to be honest, second for your writing talent.
My fight is definitely aimed toward saving the young. The autogynphiles have and always will be around. I really feel like that is a different genre' of perverted confusion.
But the children! How can the institutions, after all the evidence, still be sending young people to be surgically and medically manipulated? My daughter matured and I fast paced her to critically think. She in return dropped the trans nonsense and is quite embarrassed she made the claim, 'I'm a boy'. We are all so propagandized on every topic. She can now read the bs and realize how information is twisted and how lies are spread. It may have been the gift or lesson she had to learn by going through this.
The defenders of trans don't have a fucking clue what it is to lose a child to a demented social contagion. I don't care about adults who are mentally ill and medically transition. That's on them. And the greedy asshats who lure them to their demise. The old WPATH use to require @ least 3 years minimum psychological assessment. Now none. Zero assessment. If a MINOR says he or she are the opposite sex and have felt that way for 6 months, then boom!! Here's your opposite sex hormones! And to all the folks who say that isnt happening >>> YOU ARE WRONG, UNINFORMED AND HAVE NO RIGHTS TO OUR CHILDREN. STOP TRANSING MINORS!!!!
Last bit..I read a very detailed new study combining Western countries that say 33% of medically transitioned people REGRET their decision. The study did not include social transition, but obviously that cohort would be even higher. ( or else they would have medically transitioned )
For the defenders of trans, EDUCATE yourself. The term 'gender' is a made up word by Dr John Money, a sick man with a perverted history of torturing his young patients. It is a made up word by a sicko. And now society worships the word like it has actual meaning. 💔
The most loving thing they can be taught is to accept themselves as healthy, whole, and embodied. They don't need mutilation, hormones, or surgeries, and people like you who push that are immoral and normalize pedophilia.
Thank goodness her child wasn't sterilized and mutilated. Giving young girls testosterone to ruin their bodies isn't health care.
Have some shame at your lack of morals and defense of child abuse.
Being intersex is more common than most people realize. Estimates suggest that about 1-2 in 100 people born in the U.S. are intersex. There are many different ways someone can be intersex.
Some intersex people have genitals or internal sex organs that fall outside the male/female categories — such as a person with both ovarian and testicular tissues. Other intersex people have combinations of chromosomes that are different than XY ( usually associated with male) and XX (usually associated with female), like XXY. And some people are born with external genitals that fall into the typical male/female categories, but their internal organs or hormones don’t.
Developmental sexual disorders do not legitimize the “trans” lie. Just like someone who has Downs Syndrome does not change the fact that humans have 46 chromosomes.
A physically healthy male who “feels like” he’s female does not have a genetic disorder.
He’s mentally ill. A male cannot become female.
These things are completely unrelated, and you have no clue what you’re talking about.
I cannot not say something back, as much as interacting with you gives me hives and repulses me.
You had the AUDACITY to say "why can't any of you argue rationally?" when you are honest to God one of the most irrational people I've unfortunately encountered on substack.
Are you insinuating with people with Down Syndrome aren't real???? Are you insinuating they don't matter as much as people with only 46 chromosomes just because they have 47???
Why do you feel that people born intersex are less important than people born as fully male (sex) or fully female?
I pray you find compassion for all people, whether they are cisgender, transgender, whether they have physical health problems, mental health illnesses, whatever. We are all people with hearts and minds who are deserving of respect and kindness until they prove otherwise. For instance, it's becoming increasingly difficult to show you respect or kindness because of the hatred you spew. But that doesn't mean I won't try.
No need to feel bad. My DAUGHTER is whole again and thinks for herself now. Unlike you, who is a mediocre political parrot unable to think critically and blinded by your self righteous virtue. Your support and encouragement of children to be permanently mutilated and abused by the medical establishment is defining of your character. I, in turn, feel so bad for your child. ( and if you've none, just please don't ) 🙏
You know, at the end of the day I'm not even sure we can say these men necessarily have "mental illness." Or to an extent it might not matter. It's entitlement. They feel entitled to act out their turn-ons and impose on others. And I think some, maybe conservative maybe not, opposed to trans ideology because it's considered "woke" don't make the connection between these men feeling entitled to whatever they want and the backlash against women's rights; they chalk it all up to the evils of "woke." Regardless, a financially secure man well into a successful career isn't "persecuted." Faster, stronger male athletes aren't victims. They're taking advantage.
Yeah I think it might just let them off the hook too easily and portrays them sympathetically like this is out of their control. I also, as a non-religious person, don't chalk it up to "evil" in that sense. They wanted to indulge their feminization and/or humiliation fetishes and they wanted to nullify women's rights and take what we have.
It's the last straw--they can even take our identities, and we can't say anything about it lest we get accused of being scared, "phobic," or hateful. And I think they know what they're doing--they are men making irrational requests of women, and when a woman says no to them they know the difference.
Leave my Trans friends and family alone, please. Save this kind of bunk for twitter where Elon and the rest of his ilk will agree with you. This poisonous stuff is hurtful, and unkind.
Physicians anthropologists, psychologists,and millions of people around the world heartily disagree. Trans people have existsed—and in many cultures, like the Tewa / Pueblo folks of New Mexico, and hundreds of other cultures around the world, have even had special, often sacred roles for non-binary- gender people in their worlds.
Such language—your language–dehumanizes and endangeres vulnerable humans. I suppose I am wasting time, here. But that you don't care tells me that you are a broken person. I pray for your healing.
Nobody cares what some third world culture teaches about men in dresses. Nobody is citing them when they give 13 year old females testosterone or performing surgeries on 16 year old males. Nobody cares what some tribe teaches about this.
You’re essentially referring to males in dresses, as a way to avoid homosexuality. It’s pretend, dress up, exactly what I said Andrew was—a man in a dress.
You don't have any "trans" friends as a result.
The fact that you don't care about the fact that male rapists are in women's prisons and women are beaten in public by men for opposing this shows that you are an immoral, broken person.
You are the problem here, not me. Tell your male friends to stay out of women's bathrooms. We don't want them there.
Stop praying, start telling men in dresses to stay away from women.
@Kat Highsmith - Bigotry is not pre-judgement. Bigotry is a quality of one’s character, a behavior that can be observed due to fundamental characteristics. Let’s look at the definition together to see what it really is:
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
This differs from prejudgement.
Prejudgment is an opinion about a situation or a person that is formed before knowing or considering all of the facts. This is a similar to:
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
"prejudice against people from different backgrounds"
Similar: preconceived idea preconception preconceived notion prejudgement
harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgement.
"prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of the proceedings"
Similar: detriment harm disadvantage damage injury hurt impairment loss disbenefit
give rise to prejudice in (someone); make biased.
"the statement might prejudice the jury"
Similar: bias influence sway predispose make biased make partial make partisan colour poison jaundice warp twist slant distort prepossess
cause harm to (a state of affairs).
"delay is likely to prejudice the child's welfare"
All of these words summarize what you are by the behaviors you exhibit quite well. Particularly how some people, myself included, have tried to reach you with facts and kindness, only for you to display obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief (GC ideology), opinion (Trans doesn’t exist), or faction (TERF/GC cult), in particular prejudice against and antagonistic to a person or people (anyone trans or their allies) on the basis of their membership of a particular group (being trans and/or NB and/or an ally). So much so you will not consider any information that is contrary to your position. Thus, you hold an opinion about a situation (trans rights) or a person (trans people and allies) that is formed before knowing or considering all of the facts. As such, you often share preconceived opinions that are not based on reason or actual experience, but on fears and echo-chamber cultist talking points.
Words have gender in languages like Spanish (el/la) and German (der/die/das).
John Money knew this, and he intentionally created confusion by using "gender" in relation to humans. And it worked. If it means anything and everything, it means nothing. Simply using it is the cause of confusion.
Humans exist in two sexes--female and male.
Developmental sexual disorders do not change this, and there is no spectrum. This is how we reproduce and exist as homo sapiens.
Anything else you want to describe can be done so with a more accurate word: sexist stereotypes, personality, hobbies, clothes, shoes, hair, makeup, passing, etc.
It’s just always interesting to ask those who espouse a belief in “gender” to define what it is, and ask the logical follow up — why the need to change language and/or physical bodies.
Fascinating— you presumably responded to this Substack article to engage the author and other commentators, and when asked a simple question, you’re unable to answer (because of course you’re not) and provide a most juvenile response.
The self righteousness of those who espouse the performative “be kind” would be laughable, if it weren’t so pathetic.
I suppose asking someone to define "gender is a serious question? Okay. Just fuck off. I just can't deal with y'all's assholery right now. I have fence to fix and horses to train, a neighbor to help hang and dress an antelope and a Trans nephew who deserves far more of my time than you do, sport.
And you know I have given you plenty of analysis in previous comments so don’t give me this bullshit that that’s the best I can give you. It doesn’t matter what any of us write.
I didn't ask for a personal account from a mentally ill person of what it's like to have mental illness. If I asked for a definition of anorexia or schizophrenia, you wouldn't have to cite a memoir from an anorexic or schizophrenic to explain it.
That's just word salad to me. What I know is real is the pain and confusion of people who's physiology doesn't match their identities. What do you call that?
I asked you a question. A question isn't "word salad." I'm asking you to answer it.
I don't think you know what the term "word salad" means either. Stop using it.
If you are defending "gender dysphoria," then you should be able to define and explain both "gender" and "sex."
Please go ahead. If you're going to use "gender dysphoria" then you should be able to do it.
I didn't say these people weren't mentally ill. There's mentally ill people who starve themselves down to 70 pounds because they're anorexic but they still say they're fat. There's schizophrenics who say their physiology doesn't match the fact that they're actually Napoleon because that's what the voices in their head tell them.
Nobody "affirms" that.
Answer the questions I asked--define "gender" and tell me how it's different from sex. If you cannot, admit it.
Then I will explain why because this is very simple.
Read the post I linked before I do. There is a reason you don't understand any of this.
I'm not going to argue semantics with you, as they don't really matter. Language, as you note, is a social construct, and there will always be disagreements about the meaning of language, which is constantly evolving.
Where I disagree with you is over your stance that "gender dysphoria" or whatever you want to call it is a "delusion" caused by a "deeper mental problem". What is that deeper mental problem, and how do you propose to fix it without causing more harm than good?
No. You are wrong. That is why you cannot answer my simple question.
Here is the problem that people like you find yourselves in--you cannot defend "trans" because it is a lie.
That is my point, and that is why you try to claim this is "semantics."
All of "trans" is a word game. All of it. The agenda invents and forces people to use made-up bullshit terms (like "gender dysphoria" or "trans" woman or "ze/hir" pronouns) and literally threaten suicide if someone is "misgendered" or called the wrong thing.
If words mean nothing, why are they inventing them and forcing others to use them? Why are people literally being fired from jobs for not calling females "he" due to mental illness? Because the words are the game.
Language is not just a "social construct." Reality exists. Words mean something, and words are power.
When I say cat, I do not mean dog. Unless we speak honestly, society cannot function. So, you are wrong.
Just because languages evolve (of course, modern English did not exist 2,000 years ago) it does not mean that you can get away with forcing others to tell lies. That is fraud and delusion.
I will explain to you the reason you cannot defend "gender."
That is because it means nothing for humans.
"Gender" is a linguistics term and it applies to words only (like "la mesa" or "el gato" in Spanish). Read my other posts.
John Money knew that (look him up). He applied this lie to humans ("gender roles"), and we see the results today.
Humans exist in two sexes--female and male. Women are adult human females, and men are adult human males. Sex is binary and immutable, and there's nothing you can do about it because we are mammals.
Males cannot feel like they are female because no one has been born in the wrong body. It is literally impossible.
Males have XY chromosomes and produce small gametes (sperm). How would they know what it's like to have XX chromosomes and produce large gametes (eggs)? It's nonsense. And that is sex (not "gender").
Btw the next move by this agenda is trying to move from "gender dysphoria" to "gender incongruence." Both are bullshit.
The deeper mental problems are as follows:
1. Heterosexual autogynephiles--straight men who get off on wearing dresses and usually have pornography addiction (like Andrew Steele--read "The Man Who Would Be Queen")
2. Failed homosexual males--gay men who feel like failures (Robert Ryan "Blaire" White)
3. Women who were sexually abused as children (Mackenzie McClelland)
Autogynephiles need to keep their perversions to themselves and stop watching porn. Gay men need to accept who they are because they're not women. Sexually abused women need real help, not mutilation.
Those are the real deeper problems. The problem is that the medical industry makes billions from these people, so they take advantage of them (read Jennifer Bilek's work).
And going along with these lies and delusions are not doing "good." There are male rapists in women's prisons, males in women's sports, males in women's bathrooms, constant lawsuits about all of this, and children are being mutilated and sterilized (look up Kayla Lovdahl and Chloe Cole).
This is all inevitable if you think someone can be born in the wrong body, and that is for adults as well as children. None of it can be stopped--it is like opening a floodgate.
Once a man makes the decision to change his drivers license, passport, get a diagnosis, get medical care, that involves laws, public policy, money, real women and real lives. It's not just private. You have to understand that.
The only way to solve this is to say NO to all of it. People are told no by doctors all the time.
Apotemnophiliacs are told they cannot remove their legs. Opioid addicts are told they cannot doctor shop (that was the most recent medical scandal and "trans" is worse). Anorexics are told they cannot get liposuction. Schizophrenics are told that their delusions are not real.
And please don't try "Adults can do whatever they want!"
Adults cannot do whatever they want. Adults get told NO all the time. Adult apotemnophiliacs don't get to chop off healthy limbs.
Telling them NO does not cause harm. It is based on reality.
Same when a man gets the stupid idea in his head that he's a woman. He's delusional. Allowing him to lie harms real women.
That is the only thing that will work, and it is inevitable once lawsuits start.
I don't think you know what you are defending. If you want to learn more, please ask.
If we simply stated you can feel/dress/act however you want, regardless of your biological sex, there would be no “dysphoria”
And if people genuinely need to medically and surgically alter their bodies, because they’ve internalized stereotypes, then that person is indeed sad, and it’s appalling that such a mental state to be celebrated.
I agree with everything you stay, except I don't agree with your last sentiment. Why is it apalling that people are celebrating being able to live as they wish to live? I mean, we "celebrate" people who alter their bodies all the time through plastic surgery, right?
There are men in women's prisons, in women's sports, in women's spaces. These men commit rape in women's prisons, injure women in sports. Women get fired for saying no to this, get attacked in public for opposing it.
This is lawsuits, money, laws, and violence.
This is not "people living as they wish to live."
When a man tells a lie, that is that he is the wrong body is actually a woman, that's not just private. That involves law, money, medicine, the public, schools, sports, prisons. This is a medical scandal. It's not just private decisions. Men will fuck up everything they touch. They always have.
The problems are never-ending, and women will always be hurt because of it.
Until you understand that, you will continue to be confused. The problem is that you do not understand what is going on here. You don't know the origin of this or what is really happening. That is why you just think it's being nice to nasty old men in dresses.
It isn't. This is a legal, medical, political issue, and women and children are being hurt because of it.
LOL hey look, it's the "be kind" brigade that defends pedophile trannies and puts rapists in women's prisons!
You guys clearly are intelligent, moral, and admirable.
Funny that you use a vulgar reference to women's anatomy as a slur, when fucked up men in wigs walk around with duct tape on their balls because they wish they had one, with some paying thousands to chop up their dicks.
When this fraud ends, I hope you know people will look back at losers like you and be more disgusted than we are even with lobotomy doctors and the Sacklers.
Please go tell the troons that we say hi, and to lay off the suicide. Good luck!
Gotta say - None of your 'arguments' make a lick of sense. You should take a class on argumentation & debate and read some books written by people different than you.
I am curious. Are you this upset about FTM transitions?
3. How can a man "feel like" or "transition to" woman? Explain and where's your proof.
I'd love to see you try to answer the questions.
There is no such thing as "transition."
I wrote an article about a woman named Mac McClelland who mutilated her body due to her mental illness. I have sympathy for her because she's a woman who suffered abuse. Go read it.
I have no sympathy for men who display their perversions in public. It's completely different.
This delusional rambling you pose as legitimate questions would be comical if it wasn't so scary.
You use almost EVERY fallacy known to academic argumentation: ad hominem, slipper slope, false dillemmas, generalizations, straw man, circular arguments, repitition.
You type a LOT of words but aren't actually moving the conversation forward or contributing anything worthwhile.
Example: you write "there's no such thing as a transition".... I can type out "there's no such thing as blankets". This does not make it true.
You denying truth does not take away reality. There are absolutely gray areas. There is not just a sunny day and a dark night. There is dusk, sunset, sunrise, dawn. These are transitions. There is LITERALLY not JUST 'black and white'.
INSANE that you have used another TERF's substack post as a 'source' and NOW you're quoting yourself..... Yikes.
As far as your claim that you've "read everything"- Ma'am. Ma'am. No one in the history of mankind has ever read EVERYTHING. What are you going on about?
At the end of the day, a person's gender or sex assigned at birth should literally not affect you at all - but certainly not the way you let it affect you. Try some breathing excercises. Try love. Try empathy.
Its wild that the literal existence of trans people gets under your skin this much. It is not a healhy reaction. Again - you are a bigot. You are a terrible listener and a terrible arguer. Good day.
There is no such thing as "transgender" people. There is no such thing as "transphobia."
People do not enter a special category for refusing to accept the reality of their sex. Males who dress up, grow their hair, get surgeries, or even pass (the vast majority never do, and you clearly do not) are still male.
You are not transgender. Nobody is.
You are a perverted male projecting your degeneracy into the world with your autogynephilia, and since you are a man, you demand that the whole world goes along with it. The fact that you dare call yourself a mother is pathetic, disgusting, and a slap in the face of what real women have gone through and still go through. You understand none of it because of your male stupidity and irrational ego.
The answer is no. To all of it.
You are not a woman. You will never be a woman. There is one kind--an adult human female.
You are not one of us. Stay out of our spaces because you do not belong, and you never will. The fact that you think you have the right to behave this way is nothing but a clear demonstration that you are a man.
The truth is not hate. And even if it were hate, I do not care.
Men like you have an agenda--degeneracy and perversion.
You are alive. You are a man. That's all you'll ever be, and there's nothing you can do about it.
There is no such thing as "transgender" people because there is no special category for people who refuse to accept the reality of their healthy, sexed bodies.
In tact, healthy reproductive organs are not defects.
And you cannot claim that genitals have nothing to do with your "gender," and then claim mutilating those same genitals "affirms" it.
It is by definition irrational, and that is because "trans" does not exist.
You cannot have an idea in your mind that your genitals are wrong or that your body is wrong. Your body is you.
You are mentally ill, and that is because you are a man.
You are not a woman, and you never will be.
You need to be put in a men's mental hospital, Mr. Blackman.
I understand what this is. Truth isn't hate. You people can't argue to save your lives.
The truth of science and biology has to win eventually, otherwise humans are doomed.
A society based on lies will fail.
"Trans" is a lie. It cannot continue.
Absolutely right.
Your words absolutely echo my feelings about ‘trans’ nonsense. The sly way that they stopped using ‘transsexual’ and started using ‘transgender’ was so clearly a tell that they know sex is not ‘trans-able’… and then they dropped the ‘gender’ prefix because it’s meaningless. So now we’re supposed to accept the truncated little word ‘trans’. To which the only reply can be: ‘trans’ wha, exactlyt? Transatlantic? Transit? Transparent? Transport? Transubstantiation?
These gross men have proved to be great actors when it comes to presenting themselves as victims.
We need to keep working to reveal the creepy fetish at the heart of this attempt at mass delusion..
Keep it up Kat!!
It's all a word game. Stop using the words, and they've lost. They know that, which is why they try to force it and constantly change the terms to keep everyone off balance and scared to make a supposed mistake.
The next thing they're going to try is "gender incongruence" as opposed to "gender dysphoria." It's all a load of nonsense.
Thanks for reading!
I like to use transsexual in conversations with "allies" this way: do you really think there are transsexual children? Transsexual three, five, twelve year olds?
It's fun to watch the look in their eyes when I say this.
Highly recommend this science-backed documentary, Gender Revolution, that talks about the complexities of it all and how it goes back to birth. Including intersex babies who are born “somewhere between a boy and a girl” and parents have to choose a gender for their baby and perform surgery on an infant. Or, let the child grow up and make the decision for themselves, just to give one example covered in this doc. It’s so much more less black and white than you make it out to be here — inviting you into the gray middle space with this link,
There is no gray space.
Sex is binary and immutable. There is female and male.
There is nothing you can do about that. Nobody can decide sex, and that is black and white. Nobody has "gender."
Developmental sexual disorders do not affect that binary.
I cannot stand this extremely dishonest deflection technique. It's been tried already, it's failed already, and people like you keep trying it.
I want you to read carefully because I've had it with people like you.
The "trans" lie is not about developmental sexual disorders.
Andrew Steele does not have a developmental sexual disorder. He is a physically healthy male who produces sperm (small gamete) and fathered two daughters.
His problems are mental. He cross dresses because he is a heterosexual autogynephile.
He's not a woman (adult human female) and he's not "trans" because that does not exist, and he does not have a "gender identity" because nobody does.
This has failed already.
I'm sick of correcting idiots like you because you act like this is complicated.
There is no decision to make, "gender" is a linguistics term which is why nobody can define it for humans, so you have nothing to say here.
Doctors themselves admitted it in 2008.
STOP LYING. It won't work, and your idiotic documentary means nothing.
"Trans" does not exist.
Your reactions are reminisent of a toddler putting their fingers in their ears screaming LALALA because they don't like what the adults are saying.
So knee jerk. So immature. Not based in lived experiences or backed by multiple vetted sources. You are just whining and spewing bigotry. It's unoriginal but unfortunately it is also dangerous.
You do realize rhetoric like this increases physical violence? Shame on you. I pray you do better.
Life is teeming with gray areas. That is what being alive is. There is an entire universe of stars and novas and clouds and ferns and lillies and foxes and humans and mushrooms and youre entire "thing" - like your entire personality - is "Being a TERF"..... how utterly icky and sad and embarrassing.
There is no gray area when some old pig grows out his hair and calls himself a woman.
He isn't. Telling him NO is the truth, not bigotry.
And don't start trying to say these men are at risk of physical violence.
Women are attacked in the street for opposing this. That's the real physical violence. You want to talk about shame? You're telling lies to excuse male rapists in women's prisons, child mutilation, and women being attacked by men for saying they don't belong in women's bathrooms.
You have no moral high ground. You increase violence against women.
What are you talking about mushrooms for? Are any tranny defenders even remotely intelligent or logical?
Go pray for yourself. You're defending liars and pedophiles.
Yeah, adults. Adult men who want to be in girls' bathrooms and think 5 year olds have a "gender identity."
Oof. Not really all that toxic nonsense but your hatred and anger is visceral. I pray you find peace and joy and maybe a great therapist. ✌️
Well, yes, I have anger at people who tell lies to excuse child abuse, child mutilation, normalization of pedophilia, and putting male rapists in women's prisons.
That's what you are doing. I have every right to be angry about the violation of women's rights, and then the fake morality you people display as you act like you're doing the right thing.
It's disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Don't pray for me, idiot. Pray for yourself. You tell lies to excuse male perverts in women's bathrooms. You're the one who needs a therapist.
You want to talk about peace and joy?
You think women feel peace and joy when a male rapist is locked up with them?
Have some shame. You're not a good person.
The anger should be visceral, because these men are taking over women's spaces, taking over women's sports, taking women's rights, attacking women.
How on earth can you, as a woman, condone this?
The only person here being toxic is you, against women.
There are no grey areas when it comes to men doing dress up, they are sick, warped individuals.
Lmao shush with your crusty terf a**.... i love women, including trans women! I also love trans men! I love kind people- you should try it! And try being kind yourself! 🫶🏼✌️
Beautiful, thank you for sharing!
But Kat can't hear you, sorry. They've been offered SO MUCH evidence by so many of the stackers they attack daily. But they refuse to consider any of it.
They're only here to bully trans people and those who love them. Every damn day. Kind of a weird obsession, IMO. And very hurtful.
I wonder what is at the root of this obsession for them....
You can't even answer simple questions.
1. What is a man?
2. What is a woman?
3. How can a man "transition to" a woman? Where is your proof?
4. Define "gender" consistently.
That's all you have to do. If you can't do that, that means "trans" does not exist.
And it doesn't. "Trans" is a lie.
This is a response to men in women's prisons, on women's sports teams, children being mutilated, women being fired and attacked, the constant media propaganda--why don't you ask those people why they do this? Why are they obsessed with pushing this lie?
Kind of a weird obsession to want to put men in women's prisons and want to mutilate children, I wonder why these people want that.
There are no "trans" people. There is no special category for those who refuse the reality of their sexed body.
Bravo Kat Highsmith. I LOVED every word. This trans debacle hit my home in 2021. Thank you Universe for the strength and sacrifice to help my very confused teenage daughter find her way. This is my voter issue. Never before voted Republican. This go round I will.
Will Ferrell, you were always my funny go to. No more. You are booted along with Drew Barrymore, Tom Hanks, Target, many of my friends and some of my family. All resepect lost for the sheeple who cannot support women and girls, the ones who pretend to go along but snicker behind the backs of these wannabe douche bags, the ones who meet for brunch @ the Sunday drag show because it's sooooo cool, the ones who support this delusion that is destroying young lives in the most heinous way. My God what has happened to our country that we no longer care about women and the children WE carried to birth???
I'm glad your daughter found her way out of this, and I hope she did not suffer any permanent damage. This agenda preys on vulnerable children, and unfortunately many do not get away from it. Thank goodness your child did, and thank you for reading and commenting.
Thanks Kat♡. First for your courage to be honest, second for your writing talent.
My fight is definitely aimed toward saving the young. The autogynphiles have and always will be around. I really feel like that is a different genre' of perverted confusion.
But the children! How can the institutions, after all the evidence, still be sending young people to be surgically and medically manipulated? My daughter matured and I fast paced her to critically think. She in return dropped the trans nonsense and is quite embarrassed she made the claim, 'I'm a boy'. We are all so propagandized on every topic. She can now read the bs and realize how information is twisted and how lies are spread. It may have been the gift or lesson she had to learn by going through this.
The defenders of trans don't have a fucking clue what it is to lose a child to a demented social contagion. I don't care about adults who are mentally ill and medically transition. That's on them. And the greedy asshats who lure them to their demise. The old WPATH use to require @ least 3 years minimum psychological assessment. Now none. Zero assessment. If a MINOR says he or she are the opposite sex and have felt that way for 6 months, then boom!! Here's your opposite sex hormones! And to all the folks who say that isnt happening >>> YOU ARE WRONG, UNINFORMED AND HAVE NO RIGHTS TO OUR CHILDREN. STOP TRANSING MINORS!!!!
Last bit..I read a very detailed new study combining Western countries that say 33% of medically transitioned people REGRET their decision. The study did not include social transition, but obviously that cohort would be even higher. ( or else they would have medically transitioned )
For the defenders of trans, EDUCATE yourself. The term 'gender' is a made up word by Dr John Money, a sick man with a perverted history of torturing his young patients. It is a made up word by a sicko. And now society worships the word like it has actual meaning. 💔
I feel so bad for your child. i hope they are independently seeking the health care and support they need 🙏
Children are never born in the wrong body.
The most loving thing they can be taught is to accept themselves as healthy, whole, and embodied. They don't need mutilation, hormones, or surgeries, and people like you who push that are immoral and normalize pedophilia.
Thank goodness her child wasn't sterilized and mutilated. Giving young girls testosterone to ruin their bodies isn't health care.
Have some shame at your lack of morals and defense of child abuse.
Human beings are literally born intersex.
Being intersex is more common than most people realize. Estimates suggest that about 1-2 in 100 people born in the U.S. are intersex. There are many different ways someone can be intersex.
Some intersex people have genitals or internal sex organs that fall outside the male/female categories — such as a person with both ovarian and testicular tissues. Other intersex people have combinations of chromosomes that are different than XY ( usually associated with male) and XX (usually associated with female), like XXY. And some people are born with external genitals that fall into the typical male/female categories, but their internal organs or hormones don’t.
These are irrefutable scientific facts.
Developmental sexual disorders do not legitimize the “trans” lie. Just like someone who has Downs Syndrome does not change the fact that humans have 46 chromosomes.
A physically healthy male who “feels like” he’s female does not have a genetic disorder.
He’s mentally ill. A male cannot become female.
These things are completely unrelated, and you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Why can’t any of you argue rationally?
I cannot not say something back, as much as interacting with you gives me hives and repulses me.
You had the AUDACITY to say "why can't any of you argue rationally?" when you are honest to God one of the most irrational people I've unfortunately encountered on substack.
Are you insinuating with people with Down Syndrome aren't real???? Are you insinuating they don't matter as much as people with only 46 chromosomes just because they have 47???
Why do you feel that people born intersex are less important than people born as fully male (sex) or fully female?
I pray you find compassion for all people, whether they are cisgender, transgender, whether they have physical health problems, mental health illnesses, whatever. We are all people with hearts and minds who are deserving of respect and kindness until they prove otherwise. For instance, it's becoming increasingly difficult to show you respect or kindness because of the hatred you spew. But that doesn't mean I won't try.
This is exactly what I mean.
Why are all of you so stupid? Can any of you read and understand language?
If I said I identify as having 47 chromosomes since I want to "live as" as though I have Down Syndrome, even though I have 46, would that make sense?
Do you not understand basic analogies?
No, you don't. That's why you defend men in dresses in women's sports.
I will block if you continue with this. Morons are exhausting.
No need to feel bad. My DAUGHTER is whole again and thinks for herself now. Unlike you, who is a mediocre political parrot unable to think critically and blinded by your self righteous virtue. Your support and encouragement of children to be permanently mutilated and abused by the medical establishment is defining of your character. I, in turn, feel so bad for your child. ( and if you've none, just please don't ) 🙏
Will just displayed his lack of backbone with this crap. He will do anything for a “good boy” and “pat on the head.”
Well said. Thanks for your insightful review!
You know, at the end of the day I'm not even sure we can say these men necessarily have "mental illness." Or to an extent it might not matter. It's entitlement. They feel entitled to act out their turn-ons and impose on others. And I think some, maybe conservative maybe not, opposed to trans ideology because it's considered "woke" don't make the connection between these men feeling entitled to whatever they want and the backlash against women's rights; they chalk it all up to the evils of "woke." Regardless, a financially secure man well into a successful career isn't "persecuted." Faster, stronger male athletes aren't victims. They're taking advantage.
These are good points. Lots of these men probably aren't even mentally ill, just entitled like you said. Male entitlement is a helluva drug.
Yeah I think it might just let them off the hook too easily and portrays them sympathetically like this is out of their control. I also, as a non-religious person, don't chalk it up to "evil" in that sense. They wanted to indulge their feminization and/or humiliation fetishes and they wanted to nullify women's rights and take what we have.
It's the last straw--they can even take our identities, and we can't say anything about it lest we get accused of being scared, "phobic," or hateful. And I think they know what they're doing--they are men making irrational requests of women, and when a woman says no to them they know the difference.
Thank you, it’s always good to hear the voice of reason being raised above the constant barrage of nonsense!
Thank you for reading
Good job Kat, keep it up x
Thanks for reading!
Leave my Trans friends and family alone, please. Save this kind of bunk for twitter where Elon and the rest of his ilk will agree with you. This poisonous stuff is hurtful, and unkind.
You don't have any "trans" friends and family. "Trans" does not exist.
You have friends or family that are suffering from delusions because nobody is born in the wrong body.
None of this should be affirmed because women and women's spaces are more important than that.
I don't care if the truth is "hurtful" or "unkind." I'm not looking to be kind because I don't care.
If it's hurtful or unkind to tell a schizophrenic that he's not really Napoleon or a 70-pound anorexic that she's not really fat, then that's too bad.
When this fraud ends, don't pretend like you weren't warned. You have no moral high ground here.
Thank you for your comment.
Physicians anthropologists, psychologists,and millions of people around the world heartily disagree. Trans people have existsed—and in many cultures, like the Tewa / Pueblo folks of New Mexico, and hundreds of other cultures around the world, have even had special, often sacred roles for non-binary- gender people in their worlds.
Such language—your language–dehumanizes and endangeres vulnerable humans. I suppose I am wasting time, here. But that you don't care tells me that you are a broken person. I pray for your healing.
There is no such thing as “trans.”
Nobody cares what some third world culture teaches about men in dresses. Nobody is citing them when they give 13 year old females testosterone or performing surgeries on 16 year old males. Nobody cares what some tribe teaches about this.
You’re essentially referring to males in dresses, as a way to avoid homosexuality. It’s pretend, dress up, exactly what I said Andrew was—a man in a dress.
You don't have any "trans" friends as a result.
The fact that you don't care about the fact that male rapists are in women's prisons and women are beaten in public by men for opposing this shows that you are an immoral, broken person.
You are the problem here, not me. Tell your male friends to stay out of women's bathrooms. We don't want them there.
Stop praying, start telling men in dresses to stay away from women.
None of you can argue. This is pathetic.
Blocked & reported for hate speech.
There is no such thing as hate speech.
It does not exist under US law.
This is not bigotry. Bigotry is prejudgment. This is judgment, and it's true judgment.
That's why you have no real response.
This is how easy it is to disprove this, and then you all go running.
@Kat Highsmith - Bigotry is not pre-judgement. Bigotry is a quality of one’s character, a behavior that can be observed due to fundamental characteristics. Let’s look at the definition together to see what it really is:
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
This differs from prejudgement.
Prejudgment is an opinion about a situation or a person that is formed before knowing or considering all of the facts. This is a similar to:
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
"prejudice against people from different backgrounds"
Similar: preconceived idea preconception preconceived notion prejudgement
harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgement.
"prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of the proceedings"
Similar: detriment harm disadvantage damage injury hurt impairment loss disbenefit
give rise to prejudice in (someone); make biased.
"the statement might prejudice the jury"
Similar: bias influence sway predispose make biased make partial make partisan colour poison jaundice warp twist slant distort prepossess
cause harm to (a state of affairs).
"delay is likely to prejudice the child's welfare"
All of these words summarize what you are by the behaviors you exhibit quite well. Particularly how some people, myself included, have tried to reach you with facts and kindness, only for you to display obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief (GC ideology), opinion (Trans doesn’t exist), or faction (TERF/GC cult), in particular prejudice against and antagonistic to a person or people (anyone trans or their allies) on the basis of their membership of a particular group (being trans and/or NB and/or an ally). So much so you will not consider any information that is contrary to your position. Thus, you hold an opinion about a situation (trans rights) or a person (trans people and allies) that is formed before knowing or considering all of the facts. As such, you often share preconceived opinions that are not based on reason or actual experience, but on fears and echo-chamber cultist talking points.
Hope this helps!
Wow. Sad to learn of you bigotry.
Thought you were leaving 🤔
Thanks for trying, Ken. this person is impermeable. I have also reported this account as well.
You blocked me, but keep leaving comments here.
I asked you simple questions, and this is the level of interaction I get from troon defenders who cannot answer simple questions.
You can report all you want. It's not going to work.
That's the only way the "trans" cult works--censorship, shutting down, silencing.
It's just not going to work that way. You know you're failing.
I know, isn't it funny how that's still possible. Must be a glitch in Substack. At any rate, have a good day, spread kindness wherever you go.
Thanks for the concession.
The reason you can't answer the question is because "trans" does not exist.
It's a lie, and people like you cannot defend it.
That's why this scandal will fail.
Thanks again. You people are the best argument against it.
Do you just make this shit up as you go along?
Please define “gender”.
Nobody can for humans.
It's a linguistics term for words.
Words have gender in languages like Spanish (el/la) and German (der/die/das).
John Money knew this, and he intentionally created confusion by using "gender" in relation to humans. And it worked. If it means anything and everything, it means nothing. Simply using it is the cause of confusion.
Humans exist in two sexes--female and male.
Developmental sexual disorders do not change this, and there is no spectrum. This is how we reproduce and exist as homo sapiens.
Anything else you want to describe can be done so with a more accurate word: sexist stereotypes, personality, hobbies, clothes, shoes, hair, makeup, passing, etc.
I wrote a whole post on it. Please read this:
Oh, I agree.
It’s just always interesting to ask those who espouse a belief in “gender” to define what it is, and ask the logical follow up — why the need to change language and/or physical bodies.
I've asked many times and many people.
I've gotten:
1. sex
2. not sex
3. partially sex
4. "consciousness"
5. completely social
6. determined by the brain (that's a biological organ, not social)
7. biology
8. hormones
9. nothing to do with genitals
10. removing genitals affirms it
11. cultural interpretation
12. puberty blockers for "gender medicine" (how is that cultural?)
13. passing (how many of these men pass?)
And on and on...
None of it makes sense, but sometimes I do like hearing the word salads.
No. Check Websters I ain't your librarian. Have a good day.
Fascinating— you presumably responded to this Substack article to engage the author and other commentators, and when asked a simple question, you’re unable to answer (because of course you’re not) and provide a most juvenile response.
The self righteousness of those who espouse the performative “be kind” would be laughable, if it weren’t so pathetic.
I suppose asking someone to define "gender is a serious question? Okay. Just fuck off. I just can't deal with y'all's assholery right now. I have fence to fix and horses to train, a neighbor to help hang and dress an antelope and a Trans nephew who deserves far more of my time than you do, sport.
Wow, eloquent.
When this is the best a writer and anthropologist can come up with, it's clear that I'm right.
Why of course, Kat. You are always right. How could it be otherwise?
And you know I have given you plenty of analysis in previous comments so don’t give me this bullshit that that’s the best I can give you. It doesn’t matter what any of us write.
I asked simple questions for answers FROM YOU.
I didn't ask for a personal account from a mentally ill person of what it's like to have mental illness. If I asked for a definition of anorexia or schizophrenia, you wouldn't have to cite a memoir from an anorexic or schizophrenic to explain it.
Answer these questions--
What is a man? Provide a definition.
What is a woman? Provide a definition.
How can a man FEEL LIKE he's a woman?
Go ahead.
ah you remember me! I am flattered. And that's the last bit of my ego I'll engage with you on. Cheers.
Why can't you just answer the questions?
What is a man?
What is a woman?
How can a man feel like he's a woman?
I find it so sad that you don't know what a woman or a man is. Your education has obviously been severely lacking.
How do you know that gender dysphoria does not exist?
Because nobody can define it logically.
It literally always boils down to irrational word salad.
Start with the first word.
Define what “gender” means and tell me how it’s different from “sex.”
I’ve been told they’re TOTALLY different, by very smart people.
Go ahead and explain.
Please read this before you do:
That's just word salad to me. What I know is real is the pain and confusion of people who's physiology doesn't match their identities. What do you call that?
I asked you a question. A question isn't "word salad." I'm asking you to answer it.
I don't think you know what the term "word salad" means either. Stop using it.
If you are defending "gender dysphoria," then you should be able to define and explain both "gender" and "sex."
Please go ahead. If you're going to use "gender dysphoria" then you should be able to do it.
I didn't say these people weren't mentally ill. There's mentally ill people who starve themselves down to 70 pounds because they're anorexic but they still say they're fat. There's schizophrenics who say their physiology doesn't match the fact that they're actually Napoleon because that's what the voices in their head tell them.
Nobody "affirms" that.
Answer the questions I asked--define "gender" and tell me how it's different from sex. If you cannot, admit it.
Then I will explain why because this is very simple.
Read the post I linked before I do. There is a reason you don't understand any of this.
I'm not going to argue semantics with you, as they don't really matter. Language, as you note, is a social construct, and there will always be disagreements about the meaning of language, which is constantly evolving.
Where I disagree with you is over your stance that "gender dysphoria" or whatever you want to call it is a "delusion" caused by a "deeper mental problem". What is that deeper mental problem, and how do you propose to fix it without causing more harm than good?
No. You are wrong. That is why you cannot answer my simple question.
Here is the problem that people like you find yourselves in--you cannot defend "trans" because it is a lie.
That is my point, and that is why you try to claim this is "semantics."
All of "trans" is a word game. All of it. The agenda invents and forces people to use made-up bullshit terms (like "gender dysphoria" or "trans" woman or "ze/hir" pronouns) and literally threaten suicide if someone is "misgendered" or called the wrong thing.
If words mean nothing, why are they inventing them and forcing others to use them? Why are people literally being fired from jobs for not calling females "he" due to mental illness? Because the words are the game.
Language is not just a "social construct." Reality exists. Words mean something, and words are power.
When I say cat, I do not mean dog. Unless we speak honestly, society cannot function. So, you are wrong.
Just because languages evolve (of course, modern English did not exist 2,000 years ago) it does not mean that you can get away with forcing others to tell lies. That is fraud and delusion.
I will explain to you the reason you cannot defend "gender."
That is because it means nothing for humans.
"Gender" is a linguistics term and it applies to words only (like "la mesa" or "el gato" in Spanish). Read my other posts.
John Money knew that (look him up). He applied this lie to humans ("gender roles"), and we see the results today.
Humans exist in two sexes--female and male. Women are adult human females, and men are adult human males. Sex is binary and immutable, and there's nothing you can do about it because we are mammals.
Males cannot feel like they are female because no one has been born in the wrong body. It is literally impossible.
Males have XY chromosomes and produce small gametes (sperm). How would they know what it's like to have XX chromosomes and produce large gametes (eggs)? It's nonsense. And that is sex (not "gender").
Btw the next move by this agenda is trying to move from "gender dysphoria" to "gender incongruence." Both are bullshit.
The deeper mental problems are as follows:
1. Heterosexual autogynephiles--straight men who get off on wearing dresses and usually have pornography addiction (like Andrew Steele--read "The Man Who Would Be Queen")
2. Failed homosexual males--gay men who feel like failures (Robert Ryan "Blaire" White)
3. Women who were sexually abused as children (Mackenzie McClelland)
Autogynephiles need to keep their perversions to themselves and stop watching porn. Gay men need to accept who they are because they're not women. Sexually abused women need real help, not mutilation.
Those are the real deeper problems. The problem is that the medical industry makes billions from these people, so they take advantage of them (read Jennifer Bilek's work).
And going along with these lies and delusions are not doing "good." There are male rapists in women's prisons, males in women's sports, males in women's bathrooms, constant lawsuits about all of this, and children are being mutilated and sterilized (look up Kayla Lovdahl and Chloe Cole).
This is all inevitable if you think someone can be born in the wrong body, and that is for adults as well as children. None of it can be stopped--it is like opening a floodgate.
Once a man makes the decision to change his drivers license, passport, get a diagnosis, get medical care, that involves laws, public policy, money, real women and real lives. It's not just private. You have to understand that.
The only way to solve this is to say NO to all of it. People are told no by doctors all the time.
Apotemnophiliacs are told they cannot remove their legs. Opioid addicts are told they cannot doctor shop (that was the most recent medical scandal and "trans" is worse). Anorexics are told they cannot get liposuction. Schizophrenics are told that their delusions are not real.
And please don't try "Adults can do whatever they want!"
Adults cannot do whatever they want. Adults get told NO all the time. Adult apotemnophiliacs don't get to chop off healthy limbs.
Telling them NO does not cause harm. It is based on reality.
Same when a man gets the stupid idea in his head that he's a woman. He's delusional. Allowing him to lie harms real women.
That is the only thing that will work, and it is inevitable once lawsuits start.
I don't think you know what you are defending. If you want to learn more, please ask.
Go back and reread everything I wrote.
If we simply stated you can feel/dress/act however you want, regardless of your biological sex, there would be no “dysphoria”
And if people genuinely need to medically and surgically alter their bodies, because they’ve internalized stereotypes, then that person is indeed sad, and it’s appalling that such a mental state to be celebrated.
I agree with everything you stay, except I don't agree with your last sentiment. Why is it apalling that people are celebrating being able to live as they wish to live? I mean, we "celebrate" people who alter their bodies all the time through plastic surgery, right?
There are men in women's prisons, in women's sports, in women's spaces. These men commit rape in women's prisons, injure women in sports. Women get fired for saying no to this, get attacked in public for opposing it.
This is lawsuits, money, laws, and violence.
This is not "people living as they wish to live."
When a man tells a lie, that is that he is the wrong body is actually a woman, that's not just private. That involves law, money, medicine, the public, schools, sports, prisons. This is a medical scandal. It's not just private decisions. Men will fuck up everything they touch. They always have.
The problems are never-ending, and women will always be hurt because of it.
Until you understand that, you will continue to be confused. The problem is that you do not understand what is going on here. You don't know the origin of this or what is really happening. That is why you just think it's being nice to nasty old men in dresses.
It isn't. This is a legal, medical, political issue, and women and children are being hurt because of it.
I appreciate the question.
Suffering from gender dysphoria or any other affliction that requires lifelong medical treatment and surgery is nothing to celebrate.
Anorexia, leukemia, nor cystic fibrosis are celebrated; why would gender dysphoria be any different?
"Gender dysphoria" is the fake term for a few groups.
1. Heterosexual autogynephiles like Andrew Steele.
2. Failed homosexual males like the Robert Ryan "Blaire" White type.
3. Women who were abused in childhood like Mackenzie "Mac" McClelland.
It's not a real condition or identity. It's a term that covers up a deeper problem, and that's what needs to be treated.
Man, it was such a great day when we ran that evil cunt Poser Parker out of our country, Aotearoa represent!
LOL hey look, it's the "be kind" brigade that defends pedophile trannies and puts rapists in women's prisons!
You guys clearly are intelligent, moral, and admirable.
Funny that you use a vulgar reference to women's anatomy as a slur, when fucked up men in wigs walk around with duct tape on their balls because they wish they had one, with some paying thousands to chop up their dicks.
When this fraud ends, I hope you know people will look back at losers like you and be more disgusted than we are even with lobotomy doctors and the Sacklers.
Please go tell the troons that we say hi, and to lay off the suicide. Good luck!
Gotta say - None of your 'arguments' make a lick of sense. You should take a class on argumentation & debate and read some books written by people different than you.
I am curious. Are you this upset about FTM transitions?
I've read everything.
That's how I know I'm right.
I've made my arguments. Nobody can refute them.
1. What is a woman? Define.
2. What is a man? Define.
3. How can a man "feel like" or "transition to" woman? Explain and where's your proof.
I'd love to see you try to answer the questions.
There is no such thing as "transition."
I wrote an article about a woman named Mac McClelland who mutilated her body due to her mental illness. I have sympathy for her because she's a woman who suffered abuse. Go read it.
I have no sympathy for men who display their perversions in public. It's completely different.
This delusional rambling you pose as legitimate questions would be comical if it wasn't so scary.
You use almost EVERY fallacy known to academic argumentation: ad hominem, slipper slope, false dillemmas, generalizations, straw man, circular arguments, repitition.
You type a LOT of words but aren't actually moving the conversation forward or contributing anything worthwhile.
Example: you write "there's no such thing as a transition".... I can type out "there's no such thing as blankets". This does not make it true.
You denying truth does not take away reality. There are absolutely gray areas. There is not just a sunny day and a dark night. There is dusk, sunset, sunrise, dawn. These are transitions. There is LITERALLY not JUST 'black and white'.
INSANE that you have used another TERF's substack post as a 'source' and NOW you're quoting yourself..... Yikes.
As far as your claim that you've "read everything"- Ma'am. Ma'am. No one in the history of mankind has ever read EVERYTHING. What are you going on about?
At the end of the day, a person's gender or sex assigned at birth should literally not affect you at all - but certainly not the way you let it affect you. Try some breathing excercises. Try love. Try empathy.
Its wild that the literal existence of trans people gets under your skin this much. It is not a healhy reaction. Again - you are a bigot. You are a terrible listener and a terrible arguer. Good day.
Male rapists are in women's prisons and children are being mutilated. Do not tell me this doesn't impact me.
Do not tell me to "practice empathy" while you tell lies to excuse this.
You are not a good person so stop with your play acting at being that. You're the opposite.
Btw, blankets are easy to define, they're tangible, and their existence can be proven. That's the difference.
I contribute to the conversation. I'm telling you "trans" does not exist, and you admitted it with your inability to answer simple questions.
Tell me what a man is, tell me what a woman is, and then explain how a man “transitions” to a woman. Where's your proof?
Answer the questions.
And yet, you still can't tell us what a woman or a man is 🤔
All hail Will Ferrel, King of iFunny
There is no such thing as "transgender" people. There is no such thing as "transphobia."
People do not enter a special category for refusing to accept the reality of their sex. Males who dress up, grow their hair, get surgeries, or even pass (the vast majority never do, and you clearly do not) are still male.
You are not transgender. Nobody is.
You are a perverted male projecting your degeneracy into the world with your autogynephilia, and since you are a man, you demand that the whole world goes along with it. The fact that you dare call yourself a mother is pathetic, disgusting, and a slap in the face of what real women have gone through and still go through. You understand none of it because of your male stupidity and irrational ego.
The answer is no. To all of it.
You are not a woman. You will never be a woman. There is one kind--an adult human female.
You are not one of us. Stay out of our spaces because you do not belong, and you never will. The fact that you think you have the right to behave this way is nothing but a clear demonstration that you are a man.
The truth is not hate. And even if it were hate, I do not care.
Men like you have an agenda--degeneracy and perversion.
You are alive. You are a man. That's all you'll ever be, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Get a haircut, sir.
I can't remember who said it, apologies, but if genitals don't define you, why does removing them?
There is no such thing as "transgender" people because there is no special category for people who refuse to accept the reality of their healthy, sexed bodies.
In tact, healthy reproductive organs are not defects.
And you cannot claim that genitals have nothing to do with your "gender," and then claim mutilating those same genitals "affirms" it.
It is by definition irrational, and that is because "trans" does not exist.
You cannot have an idea in your mind that your genitals are wrong or that your body is wrong. Your body is you.
You are mentally ill, and that is because you are a man.
You are not a woman, and you never will be.
You need to be put in a men's mental hospital, Mr. Blackman.
I understand what this is. Truth isn't hate. You people can't argue to save your lives.
Why can none of you reply without slinging abuse? It's really not a good look.
There's nothing to eradicate. It doesn't exist.
I said you're a man and you should be in a mental hospital.
That's the truth.
Where did I say that? I didn't, but they definitely need mental health help.